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Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Native buckwheat hosts a community of pollinators.

Wranglers' Home on the Range.

Immature red shouldered hawk at the waterhole. 

Black tailed deer frequent the ranch more often since we have enhanced the habitat.

Local wildfire footprint over a span of 125 years. The fire-adapted chaparral community bounces back within a few years. But the big timber, including valley oaks may not recover as fires grow more intense and frequent.

Gopher snakes, on the scent trail of rodents, hug the perimeters of the ranch buildings.

Gray fox, rarely seen in daylight, visits the oak meadow.

Black-tailed jack rabbit captured by trail camera.

Tragically, a female California king snake, gravid with six eggs, was killed by a car.
In trying to salvage the eggs, I delivered them to be incubated at the Berkeley Vivarium. Unfortunately, they were not developed enough to survive.

Moonlit scene evoking the 19th Century paintings of Ralph Albert Blakeloock (1847-1919).

Osprey nest on platform near Upper Lake. 

Native penstemon.

Plein air painting beneath the Valley Oaks.

Ponderosa Pine at Boggs Lake.

Red-shouldered hawk at waterhole.

Cooper's hawk

White-lined Sphinx moth, also known as hummingbird moth, and hawk moth.